Change the Narrative

The Collective creates equitable resources, tools and trainings for individuals who interact with child welfare. We strive to create a world where systems partners are empowered and competent in the child welfare systems

Centering on Community and Family

Changed Fueled by Lived Experience

Educating with a Focus on Equity And Access

Building Capacity of System Partners

Centering on Community and Family

Changed Fueled by Lived Experience

Educating with a Focus on Equity And Access

Building Capacity of System Partners

✶ Centering on Community and Family ✶ Changed Fueled by Lived Experience ✶ Educating with a Focus on Equity And Access ✶ Building Capacity of System Partners ✶ Centering on Community and Family ✶ Changed Fueled by Lived Experience ✶ Educating with a Focus on Equity And Access ✶ Building Capacity of System Partners

Our Vision is to Aid in More Happy, Healthy Families

We all hope for the same outcomes in child welfare and that is for happy, healthy families. The problem is we don’t always agree on what that looks like. For our founder, her family is made up of 11 children, a perfect little baby boy born to her sister, an adoptive mother, a bio mother and a host of system employees who’ve supported them in their journey. Our goal is aiding in a child welfare system that prioritizes family and community for children. We hope to support this cause in two ways.


We aim to create trainings with an equity lens for all individuals interacting the child welfare system.


We create fun and understandable resources and tools to put directly into the hands of those who need them.

We Believe That We Must Serve And Educate The Entire System To Truly Create Better Outcomes.

Who We Serve

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    Young People with Lived Experience in Care/ Alumni

    We offer workshops and resources around topics like: Identity and Goal Setting, Relationship Building, Advocacy 101, and court etiquette

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    Bio Parents/ Kinship

    We offer trainings and resources around topics like: Parenting, Advocacy 101, Goal Setting and Identity, Court Etiquette and Relationship Building

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    Foster Parents/ Adoptive Parents

    We offer workshops and resources around topics like: Parenting and Youth/Adult Partnerships.

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    System Employees

    We offer trainings and resources around topics like: Youth/Adult Partnerships.

Workshops Offered

  • Grow With Me Training

    A hands on training that focuses on identity and goal setting. It helps make a connection between us growing into our fullest potential, much like plants. There is a Grow With Me Worksheet that correlates growing and the process of growing with that of plants. We talk through understanding who we are and who we plan to be. We talk about affirmations and being kind to ourselves along our journey to accomplish our goals. This training comes with 2 options for activities.

  • Who's In My Circle Training

    This training is a way for individuals to understand and differentiate between different types of relationships. They will identify people and think through their relationships to identify who is in their circle that they can depend on for different purposes. They will better understand how to build healthy relationships and leave toxic ones. They will also learn about penetration theory, a normally challenging communication theory, taught in a fun way.

  • Key to Partnership Training

    This is a training made for adults who partner with young people to help them in pursuit of their goals. This training covers tips to partner with young people, and makes the process more understandable by utilizing a rideshare analogy. This training covers creating an environment that allows for sharing power, clarifies adult roles and creates space to talk about healing and maintenance

  • In My Lane

    This training is meant for people with lived experience in the child welfare system. This training is meant to help identify types of advocacy and how an individual can advocate. Participants will be able to understand ways to build their capacity on their advocacy journey and understand how skill set increases impact. Participants will identify if and how advocacy benefits their future goals.

Let’s Connect!